The UNFPA Country office in Skopje within the national response to the humanitarian refugee and migrant crises, according to the findings of the Ministry of Health's rapid assessment, purchased and donated medical equipment and medical materials for the Ministry of Health in value of 8.715.000 million denars or 150.000 US dollars.
In December 2015 two (2) mobile gynecological clinics were purchased, fully equipped for basic gynecological medical check-up. The mobile gynecological clinics are delivered to be a part of the country's health system i, and foremost they will be operational for services in the transit centers for refugees and migrants in Gevgelija and Tabanovce.

UNFPA also purchased and distributed to the general hospitals in Gegelija and Kumanovo “Reproductive health kits”, which contain medical instruments, equipment, medicines and various disposalble materials, that could serve a population between 10,000 to 150,000 people in a period of three months or more. The Reproductive health kits would be used for the treatment of various conditions of reproductive health such as: deliveries in clinical settings, cesareans sections and other complication during pregnancy and delivery.
In addition, on 28th and 29th December in the hospitals in Gevgelija and Kumanovo the following medical equipmen was delivered :
• two (2) bed labour delivery,
• two (2) ultrasound scanners,
• two (2) sterilizers,
• two (2) CTGs,
• two (2) doppler fetal heart monitors,
• two (2) resuscitators adult,
• two (2) resuscitators neonatal,
• two (2) aspirators,
• two (2) oximeters and
• two (2) infusion pumps.
All of the medical equipment and other matireils that were donated by the office of the United Nations Population Funds (UFNFPA) in Skopje, have been distributed through the Ministry of Health and it are to be used in the hospitals in Gevgelija and Kumanovo and their departments for gynecology and obstetrics.

A couple of weeks ago during the launching of the State of the World Population our Executive Director, Babatunde Osotimehin stated: “For the pregnant woman who is about to deliver, or the adolescent girl who survived sexual violence, life-saving services are as vital as water, food and shelter.”