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Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence (TfGBV) Against Persons with Disabilities

Invisible threats: Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence (TfGBV) Against Persons with Disabilities


Technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV) against persons with disabilities is an act of violence perpetrated by one or more individuals that is planned, executed, or facilitated (partially or wholly) through the use of information and communication technology or digital media and digital social media platforms against an individual on the basis of gender.

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State of World Population Report 2024 - Ending inequalities in sexual and reproductive health and rights

Interwoven lives, threads of hope

State of World Population Report

State World Population Report 2024 - Ending inequalities in sexual and reproductive health and rights

  • Celebrating 30 years of progress
  • Who has been left out?
  • Weaving a path forward

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Ethical Reporting on Gender-Based Violence in North  Macedonia

Ethical Reporting on Gender-Based Violence in North Macedonia


Media play an important role in the formation of societal attitudes and values and have immense potential to be an instrument for social change. According to the research conducted by the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Services, there is still a ‘widespread portrayal of women in media through the framework of marriage and family’ by maintaining the traditional roles of women and emphasizing stereotypes.

On the other hand, the comprehensive study on women’s well-being shows that 60% of women in North Macedonia consider that violence against them is common, and almost three out of ten consider that it occurs very frequently. Compared to the average in the EU countries, women in North Macedonia consider that domestic violence is a private matter that should stay within the family.

This attitude, combined with the lack of knowledge about the existing specialized services for the protection of the victims of domestic violence, results in serious violations of women’s rights.

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Analysis of the SPA helplines for victims of gender-based violence in North Macedonia and recommendations

Analysis of the SOS helplines for victims of gender-based violence in North Macedonia and recommendations


The objective of the research was to assess the current situation of SOS helplines for women victims of domestic violence (DV) and gender-based violence (GBV) across the Republic of North Macedonia. The research was conducted from October to November 2022 to assess the situation of the national helplines for women victims of GBV/DV and their functionality against the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (the Istanbul Convention) and its standards. The report was validated by the representatives of the three SOS helplines in March 2023.

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"The State of the Midwifery Workforce in Eastern Europe and Central Asia"

"The State of the Midwifery Workforce in Eastern Europe and Central Asia"

Technical Reports and Document

Commissioned by the UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Office, with support from the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, The State of the Midwifery Workforce in Eastern Europe and Central Asia provides data about the current state of the midwifery workforce in 17 countries and territories in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The report highlights the fact that properly trained midwives can help meet around 90 per cent of the need for essential sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn and adolescent health (SRMNAH) interventions across the life course. It also underlines the many social and economic benefits to investing in midwifery: healthier families, productive communities and a health system that can deliver comprehensive services for all. With these benefits in mind, policymakers can use the report as guidance for investing in midwives and thus ensuring better socioeconomic outcomes.

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8 Billion Lives, Infinite Possibilities: the case for rights and choices

8 Billion Lives, Infinite Possibilities: the case for rights and choices


New data reveals population anxieties are widespread and governments are increasingly adopting policies aimed at raising, lowering, or maintaining fertility rates. But efforts to influence fertility rates are very often ineffective and can erode women’s rights, according to UNFPA's State of World Population report, released today.  

The landmark report “8 Billion Lives, Infinite Possibilities: the case for rights and choices" calls for a radical rethink of how population numbers are framed – urging politicians and media to abandon overblown narratives about population booms and busts. Instead of asking how fast people are reproducing, leaders should ask whether individuals, especially women, are able to freely make their own reproductive choices – a question whose answer, too often, is no. 

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Leveraging the UN Reform at country level to accelerate achievement of ICPD priorities and UNFPA's Three Transformative Results

GLM2023: "The Art of Leadership - UNFPA in a Diverse World" - North Macedonia and Georgia examples


GLM2023: "The Art of Leadership - UNFPA in a Diverse World"
Leadership Exhibition – Effective Country Leadership Initiatives

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Seeing the Unseen: The case for action in the neglected crisis of unintended pregnancy

State of World Population Report

Half. That’s the share of all pregnancies that are unintended. What does this say about our values, our priorities – our future?

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The State of the World's Midwifery 2021


The State of the World’s Midwifery (SoWMy) 2021 builds on previous reports in the SoWMy series and represents an unprecedented effort to document the whole world’s Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Adolescent Health (SRMNAH) workforce, with a particular focus on midwives. It calls for urgent investment in midwives to enable them to fulfil their potential to contribute towards UHC and the SDG agenda.

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State of World Population report 2021

State of World Population Report

Nearly half of women in 57 countries are denied the right to decide whether to have sex with their partners, use contraception or seek health care, according to UNFPA's 2021 flagship State of World Population report, released today.


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