The mobile gynecological clinic donated to the Ministry of Health by UNFPA started with operation today at Tabanovce transit center in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
UNFPA has supported the Ministry of Health in preparing the mobile gynecological clinics for operationalization in the two refugee/migrant Transit Centres, according to international standards, including, management of inventory, data collection, provision of medical staff, medications and disposable materials.
On the first day (24.02.2016) more than 300 refugees were present in the Tabanovce transit center, majority of whom were from Afghanistan. Several women in reproductive period immediately approached the gynecological clinic for a checkup.

Based on the current situation, the mobile gynecological clinic will continue to operate in the Tabanovce transit center on 25 and 26 February, and the second mobile gynecological clinic at the entry point at Vinojug transit center will operate on a weekly basis; however as the situation with population movement evolves the shifts of the medical teams will be adjusted according to the needs. All activities are implemented by the Ministry of Health in close cooperation with UNFPA CO in Skopje.

The successful roll-out of the mobile gynecological clinics is a result of more than a month intense preparatory work, closely coordinated among the Ministry of Health, medical teams from Kumanovo and Gevgelija City Hospitals, and UNFPA. Important to be noted that considering the mobility of the migrants, the Ministry of Health with the support of UNFPA recognized the importance of SRH during crisis and thus introduced this service at both transit centers, as part of the national health system response, per the international standards and human rights.
UNFPA CO in Skopje would like to thank the exemplary leadership role of the Ministry of Health and the support of all parties involved in the response of the refuge/migrant crisis, such as CMC, Red Cross, NGOs, other UN Agencies, in making both clinics operational.