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UNFPA Regional Workshop on Comprehensive Sexuality Education

UNFPA Regional Workshop on Comprehensive Sexuality Education


UNFPA Regional Workshop on Comprehensive Sexuality Education

calendar_today 11 November 2022

Exchange of experiences in the region on comprehensive sexuality education. Photo credit: UNFPA North Macedonia
Exchange of experiences in the region on comprehensive sexuality education. Photo credit: UNFPA North Macedonia

Skopje, November 11, 2022 – The regional workshop discussing the current situation in the domain of comprehensive sexuality education with the participation of representatives of national institutions, teachers, civil associations, youth, and UNFPA Country Offices from the Western Balkans, was held in Skopje, North Macedonia.

The topics of the workshop, organized by the UNFPA Office in North Macedonia, are supporting young people in the process of sexuality education, capacity building among teachers, and cooperation with institutions in this area. Participants from North Macedonia, Kosovo (UNSCR1244), Albania, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina have a chance to share their experiences on how young people acquire knowledge, skills, behavior, and values that would enable them to have better health, well-being, as well as healthy social and sexual relationships.


The participants of the event discussed the possibilities and lessons learned from the application of comprehensive sexuality education, in and out of school, in the countries of the region, as well as from global practices. Although the implementation of such education differs in the countries of the region, the participants emphasized that progress can be seen in recent years.